General Training & Workshops


Tool-oriented sessions on specific conflict-related topics for groups of 3-100, ranging from 90 minutes to two days in length, targeted to organizational needs.  Topics include alternative dispute resolution principles and practice, decision making support processes, ombuds role, effective modes of communication, facilitation, mediation, and group problem-solving approaches.

Organizational Process Support

Background coaching and support for organizational leaders

Behind-the-scenes coaching and mentoring for leaders in an organizational setting. For instance: the chair of a governance committee looking for best practices in running meetings, a work-group leader considering approaches to maximize decision efficacy in a short timeframe, a dean looking to organize task forces toward institutional policy recommendations.

Active process facilitation for leaders and their workgroups

When desired by organizational leaders, implementation of neutral meeting facilitation to support group process - time management, stakeholder involvement, agenda moderation, record-keeping. When sought, an even more active role in building group understanding, integrating multiple ideas presented by participants, trialing solution ideas, and freeing up leader to be able to play a substantive role instead of process facilitation.

Targeted Mentoring & Professional Development


Ombuds professional development support

Individualized and/or small-group direct training and interaction with ombuds and other conflict management professionals within an academic institution. Topics include case management, intake, conflict coaching, visitor options, respondents, standards of practice, charter management, reporting.

Workgroup facilitation; chair/departmental mentoring

Process support for entity seeking neutral facilitation toward principle-based decision making. Individualized process support for department/program chairs tasked with leading academic units through difficult and conflict-intensive issues.

Institutional Conflict Needs Assessment

Review of organizational conflict services, confidential interviews of appropriate stakeholders/service users, compilation of needs report with recommendations for proactive steps appropriate for the institutional context. Could be considered a “conflict audit” to help determine structural opportunities.


Conflict Management Menu Integration


Development of specific recommendations for modes of integration regarding conflict management services within the institution. Provision of menu options for prospective “visitors” (parties who may need or seek conflict management support). Identification of models for correspondence regarding institutional conflict resolution services based on existing structures and administrative needs. In other words, establishing clarity about tools, services, and stakeholders appropriate for different settings, such as HR, student development, faculty/instructor support.

Charter Development and Charter Review

Following organizational needs assessment, generation of legal charter specific to institutional requirements, consultation with legal counsel, and finalization of documents for final approval. Review and assessment of existing charter to streamline document as needed and maximize organizational effectiveness.


Policy and Program Review


Assessment of existing policies for faculty, administrative/support staff, and/or students to determine structural gaps and opportunities to improve policies and services.  Productive input regarding clarity, specificity, communication, implementation, and contingencies associated with policies.

Institutional Review


External examination of conflict-related systems, with recommendations as appropriate for leadership:

* Faculty review/appeal process review: Specific look at review processes for faculty toward reduction of conflicts: clarity of language for candidates, transparency of process at each level, management of appeals, and reduction of litigation through better internal communication and conflict management.

 * Governance review/recommendations: Examination of current institutional governance structure to improve and streamline decision processes, opportunities for input, transmission of decisions, clarity of record-keeping, inclusion of interested parties, policies regarding post-decision implementation.

* External review of conflict services/ombuds programs: Assessment of conflict service efficacy,  conducted much like an academic external review.